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- /* SoundOutput.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* System Dependency Library for Building Portable Software */
- /* Macintosh Version */
- /* Written by Thomas R. Lawrence, 1993 - 1994. */
- /* */
- /* This file is Public Domain; it may be used for any purpose whatsoever */
- /* without restriction. */
- /* */
- /* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #pragma options(pack_enums)
- #endif
- #include <Sound.h>
- #include <SANE.h>
- #include <Errors.h>
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #pragma options(!pack_enums)
- #endif
- #include "SoundOutput.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #define MinimumInitialNumberOfBuffers (3)
- typedef struct MyStructure
- {
- struct MyStructure* Next;
- struct MyStructure* Previous;
- SndCommand MySoundCommand;
- SndCommand MyCallbackCommand;
- volatile MyBoolean InUseFlag; /* interrupt level flag; hence "volatile" */
- ExtSoundHeader Header;
- char* SampleArea;
- } MyStructure;
- static MyBoolean SoundSystemInUse = False;
- static MyStructure* NextAvailableBuffer;
- static MyBoolean IsCurrentBufferCheckedOut;
- static long MaxFramesPerBuffer;
- static int BytesPerFrame;
- static int MaxBuffersToAllocate;
- static int CurrentBufferCount;
- static long TheSamplingRate;
- static MyBoolean StereoFlag;
- static MyBoolean SixteenBitFlag;
- static SndChannel* MySoundChannel;
- static void AllocateANewBuffer(void);
- static void DisposeBuffers(void);
- static pascal void MyCallBack(SndChannel* Channel, SndCommand* Command);
- /* attempt to obtain a sound channel. returns True if the sound channel was opened */
- /* or False if it couldn't be (if already in use or machine doesn't support sound) */
- MyBoolean OpenSoundChannel(long SamplingRate, SoundOutputStereo WantStereo,
- SoundOutputNumBits NumBits, long FramesPerBuffer, int MaxNumBuffers,
- int InitialNumBuffers)
- {
- OSErr Error;
- SndCommand Cmd;
- long InitOptions;
- /* open the sound channel */
- if (SoundSystemInUse)
- {
- return False;
- }
- InitOptions = initNoInterp /* | initNoDrop */;
- if (WantStereo == eStereo)
- {
- InitOptions |= initStereo;
- }
- MySoundChannel = NIL;
- Error = SndNewChannel(&MySoundChannel,sampledSynth,InitOptions,
- (SndCallBackProcPtr)&MyCallBack);
- if (Error == noErr)
- {
- /* we want maximum volume on the sound channel */
- Cmd.cmd = ampCmd;
- Cmd.param1 = 255;
- Cmd.param2 = 0;
- Error = SndDoImmediate(MySoundChannel,&Cmd);
- if (Error == noErr)
- {
- /* initialize the variables */
- TheSamplingRate = SamplingRate;
- StereoFlag = (WantStereo == eStereo);
- SixteenBitFlag = (NumBits == e16bit);
- NextAvailableBuffer = NIL;
- MaxFramesPerBuffer = FramesPerBuffer;
- BytesPerFrame = 1;
- if (StereoFlag)
- {
- BytesPerFrame *= 2; /* double the number of words per sample frame */
- }
- if (SixteenBitFlag)
- {
- BytesPerFrame *= (sizeof(short) / sizeof(char)); /* words, not bytes */
- }
- MaxBuffersToAllocate = MaxNumBuffers;
- CurrentBufferCount = 0;
- IsCurrentBufferCheckedOut = False;
- /* allocate the buffers that were requested to begin with */
- if (InitialNumBuffers < MinimumInitialNumberOfBuffers)
- {
- InitialNumBuffers = MinimumInitialNumberOfBuffers;
- }
- while (InitialNumBuffers > 0)
- {
- AllocateANewBuffer();
- InitialNumBuffers -= 1;
- }
- /* notice that we escape here */
- if (CurrentBufferCount > 1)
- {
- /* we need at least 2 buffers, otherwise the sound will skip so */
- /* there'd be no point in doing it with 1 buffer. Other systems */
- /* may not have this restriction (e.g. UNIX) */
- SoundSystemInUse = True;
- return True;
- }
- DisposeBuffers();
- }
- SndDisposeChannel(MySoundChannel,True);
- }
- return False;
- }
- /* internal routine to add a buffer to the existing ring of buffers. */
- static void AllocateANewBuffer(void)
- {
- MyStructure* Buffer;
- long double Fred;
- Buffer = (MyStructure*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(MyStructure),"SoundBufHeader");
- if (Buffer != NIL)
- {
- Buffer->SampleArea = AllocPtrCanFail(MaxFramesPerBuffer
- * BytesPerFrame,"SndBuffer");
- if (Buffer->SampleArea == NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr((char*)Buffer);
- return;
- }
- Buffer->InUseFlag = False;
- Buffer->Header.samplePtr = Buffer->SampleArea;
- if (SixteenBitFlag)
- {
- Buffer->Header.sampleSize = 16;
- }
- else
- {
- Buffer->Header.sampleSize = 8;
- }
- if (StereoFlag)
- {
- Buffer->Header.numChannels = 2;
- }
- else
- {
- Buffer->Header.numChannels = 1;
- }
- Buffer->Header.sampleRate = (unsigned long)TheSamplingRate << 16;
- Buffer->Header.loopStart = 0;
- Buffer->Header.loopEnd = 0;
- Buffer->Header.encode = extSH;
- Buffer->Header.baseFrequency = 64;
- Buffer->Header.markerChunk = NULL;
- Buffer->Header.futureUse1 = 0;
- Buffer->Header.futureUse2 = 0;
- Buffer->Header.futureUse3 = 0;
- Buffer->Header.futureUse4 = 0;
- Fred = TheSamplingRate;
- x96tox80(&Fred,&(Buffer->Header.AIFFSampleRate)); /* extended type */
- /* now, link the buffer */
- if (NextAvailableBuffer != NIL)
- {
- /* link this block in */
- Buffer->Next = NextAvailableBuffer;
- Buffer->Previous = NextAvailableBuffer->Previous;
- /* link enclosing buffers to it */
- NextAvailableBuffer->Previous->Next = Buffer;
- NextAvailableBuffer->Previous = Buffer;
- /* stick it where we can use it */
- NextAvailableBuffer = Buffer;
- }
- else
- {
- Buffer->Next = Buffer;
- Buffer->Previous = Buffer;
- NextAvailableBuffer = Buffer;
- }
- CurrentBufferCount += 1;
- }
- }
- /* internal routine to dispose of all of the buffers */
- /* don't call this unless they're InUseFlag is clear!!! */
- static void DisposeBuffers(void)
- {
- while (NextAvailableBuffer != NIL)
- {
- MyStructure* Temp;
- Temp = NextAvailableBuffer;
- if (NextAvailableBuffer->Next == NextAvailableBuffer)
- {
- /* degenerate */
- NextAvailableBuffer = NIL;
- }
- else
- {
- NextAvailableBuffer->Previous->Next = NextAvailableBuffer->Next;
- NextAvailableBuffer->Next->Previous = NextAvailableBuffer->Previous;
- NextAvailableBuffer = NextAvailableBuffer->Next;
- }
- ReleasePtr(Temp->SampleArea);
- ReleasePtr((char*)Temp);
- }
- }
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #if __option(profile)
- #define Profiling (True)
- #else
- #define Profiling (False)
- #endif
- #pragma options(!profile)
- #endif
- /* asynchronous callback routine which marks buffers as now unused */
- /* It would be very bad to profile this since profiling tampers with the */
- /* stack invocation and uses A5 global variables! (believe me, I've tried) */
- static pascal void MyCallBack(SndChannel* Channel, SndCommand* Command)
- {
- *(MyBoolean*)(Command->param2) = 0;
- }
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #if Profiling
- #pragma options(profile)
- #endif
- #endif
- /* close the sound channel and clean up the buffers */
- /* waits until all buffers have played out */
- void CloseSoundChannel(void (*Callback)(void* Refcon), void* Refcon)
- {
- MyStructure* Scan;
- ERROR(!SoundSystemInUse,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "CloseSoundChannel called, but sound channel isn't open"));
- SoundSystemInUse = False;
- LoopPoint:
- Scan = NextAvailableBuffer;
- do
- {
- if (Scan->InUseFlag)
- {
- if (Callback != NIL)
- {
- (*Callback)(Refcon);
- }
- goto LoopPoint;
- }
- Scan = Scan->Next;
- } while (Scan != NextAvailableBuffer /* "Full Circle" */);
- /* dispose of the blasted thing */
- SndDisposeChannel(MySoundChannel,True/*shutupnow*/);
- /* release the memory */
- DisposeBuffers();
- }
- /* obtain a pointer to one of the [nonrelocatable] sound buffers. Data in this */
- /* buffer is interpreted as such: For 8-bit mono, the buffer is an array of */
- /* signed chars. For 16bit mono, the buffer is an array of 2-byte signed integers in */
- /* the machine's native endianness. For 8-bit stereo, the buffer is an array of */
- /* 2-byte tuples; the byte lower in memory is the left channel. For 16-bit stereo, */
- /* the buffer is an array of 2-(2-byte) tuples, the left channel is lower in memory. */
- /* If there are no buffers currently available (and new ones couldn't be allocated) */
- /* then it returns NIL */
- char* CheckOutSoundBuffer(void)
- {
- ERROR(!SoundSystemInUse,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "CheckOutSoundBuffer called, but sound channel isn't open"));
- ERROR(IsCurrentBufferCheckedOut,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "CheckOutSoundBuffer called while a buffer has already been checked out"));
- if (NextAvailableBuffer->InUseFlag)
- {
- /* oops, buffer is in use, try to make another */
- if (CurrentBufferCount < MaxBuffersToAllocate)
- {
- AllocateANewBuffer();
- }
- if (NextAvailableBuffer->InUseFlag)
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- IsCurrentBufferCheckedOut = True;
- return NextAvailableBuffer->SampleArea;
- }
- /* submit a buffer to be queued to the system's sound channel. The number of frames */
- /* in the buffer actually used is specified to allow less than the full buffer to */
- /* be used. */
- void SubmitBuffer(char* Buffer, long NumUsedFrames,
- void (*Callback)(void* Refcon), void* Refcon)
- {
- OSErr Error;
- long Scan;
- ERROR(!SoundSystemInUse,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "SubmitBuffer called, but sound channel isn't open"));
- ERROR(!IsCurrentBufferCheckedOut,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "SubmitBuffer called but no buffer has been checked out"));
- ERROR(Buffer != NextAvailableBuffer->SampleArea,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"SubmitBuffer: Wrong buffer was submitted"));
- ERROR((NumUsedFrames < 0) || (NumUsedFrames > MaxFramesPerBuffer),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"SubmitBuffer: Number of used frames exceeds buffer size!"));
- IsCurrentBufferCheckedOut = False;
- ERROR(NextAvailableBuffer->InUseFlag,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "SubmitBuffer: Internal error -- InUseFlag is set but shouldn't be"));
- /* adjust the signed samples to be unsigned */
- /* due to Apple's silliness, this only needs to be done for 8-bit samples */
- if (StereoFlag)
- {
- if (!SixteenBitFlag)
- {
- /* stereo, 8-bit */
- for (Scan = (2 * NumUsedFrames) - 1; Scan >= 0; Scan -= 1)
- {
- ((char*)Buffer)[Scan] += 0x80;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!SixteenBitFlag)
- {
- /* mono, 8-bit */
- for (Scan = NumUsedFrames - 1; Scan >= 0; Scan -= 1)
- {
- ((char*)Buffer)[Scan] += 0x80;
- }
- }
- }
- /* submit the command to actually play the buffer */
- TryAgainPoint1:
- NextAvailableBuffer->InUseFlag = True;
- NextAvailableBuffer->MySoundCommand.cmd = bufferCmd;
- NextAvailableBuffer->MySoundCommand.param1 = 0;
- NextAvailableBuffer->MySoundCommand.param2 = (long)&(NextAvailableBuffer->Header);
- NextAvailableBuffer->Header.numFrames = NumUsedFrames;
- Error = SndDoCommand(MySoundChannel,&(NextAvailableBuffer->MySoundCommand),True);
- if (queueFull == Error)
- {
- /* oops, we filled up the OS queue; wait a little and try again */
- if (Callback != NIL)
- {
- (*Callback)(Refcon);
- }
- goto TryAgainPoint1;
- }
- /* submit the callback routine request. the callback is an interrupt level */
- /* thing that clears a buffer so we can use it again. */
- TryAgainPoint2:
- NextAvailableBuffer->MyCallbackCommand.cmd = callBackCmd;
- /* say where to store the "0" */
- NextAvailableBuffer->MyCallbackCommand.param2
- = (long)&(NextAvailableBuffer->InUseFlag);
- Error = SndDoCommand(MySoundChannel,&(NextAvailableBuffer->MyCallbackCommand),True);
- if (queueFull == Error)
- {
- if (Callback != NIL)
- {
- (*Callback)(Refcon);
- }
- goto TryAgainPoint2;
- }
- /* advance to the next buffer */
- NextAvailableBuffer = NextAvailableBuffer->Next;
- }
- /* discard all queued data on the sound channel and close it immediately */
- void KillSoundChannel(void)
- {
- ERROR(!SoundSystemInUse,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "KillSoundChannel: but sound channel isn't open"));
- /* dispose of the sound channel */
- SndDisposeChannel(MySoundChannel,True/*shutupnow*/);
- /* release buffers */
- DisposeBuffers();
- /* mark sound subsystem as available */
- SoundSystemInUse = False;
- }